How much energy is mankind consuming?

According to world energy consumption (see World energy consumption), the total energy produced and used by the entire human population amounted to 13699 Mtoe (mega tonnes of oil equivalent) in 2014. To compare this energy with the yearly energy influx of the sun the unit "oil equivalent“ has to be converted into KWh. One "oil equivalent“ is the thermal energy released by burning one kilogramme of crude oil. This thermal energy amounts to about 11 KWh. Therefore the total energy consumption

13699 *109 *11 KWh=1,5 1014 KWh

This amount of energy shall be compared with the yearly energy influx of the sun. The flux density of the sun amounts to 1,367/KWm² (see Solar constant). This solar thermal power has to be multiplied by the cross sectional area of the earth in m² and the number of hours of a year (365*24=8760).
The average earth radius amounts to

R=6371 Km

Therefore the cross sectional area of the earth amounts to

A= 127,45 million Km²


A=127,45 1012

Thus the yearly energy influx of the sun results to

E= 1,367 * 127,45 1012 * 8760=1,52 1018 KWh

Therefore the solar energy influx to the earth is ten thousand times larger than the energy consumption of the whole human population!

Now the climate lobby tries to persuade mankind that one ten thousandth additional energy input by mankind causes climate change and puts climate into a catastrophic state. The earth is said to heat up and the polar ice caps will melt. Costal regions will be flooded. A real apocalypse will be triggered by only one tent housandth additional energy consumed by the human population!

How much energy is necessary to melt the polar ice caps?

Both ice caps of the earth consist of totally 32,85 million Km³ of ice (see Ice sheet).

The heat for melting one kilo of ice amounts to 333,5 KJ or 0,0926 KWh (see Enthalpy of fusion)

The total amount of necessary energy to melt the ice caps of the poles is calculated thus

32,85 *106 *1012 *0,0926 KWh= 3,042 1018 KWh

This means twice as much as the energy that the earth gets from the sun each year, or twenty thousand times as much as human beings are consuming each year. In other words, it will take twenty thousand years for mankind to melt the ice caps of the poles, but only if mankind moves to the poles and consumes all energy there!

Let us assume that all glaciers of the poles would be moved somehow to the equator and exposed to direct sun radiation. How much time would it take to melt the ice?

The area of Arctic and ant-Arctic amounts to 16 million square kilometres. To calculate the energy influx of sun, those 16 million square kilometres are compared to the total cross sectional area of the earth (127 million square kilometres) and it is assumed that the ice will be heated by the sun 12 hours a day. The number of years to melt all the ice of the poles amounts to

T=(127/16)*(2*2)=31,75 years

This shows that all the horror scenarios of melting ice capes of the poles is just propaganda and nonsense.